
"The Gray Lady" and Moveon.org on discount

In history, the newspaper and political party is used to be owner-member relationship in American before. But not now. Then after 1960, New York Times is on the Democratic Party side. (one of the two major parties, the other is Republican Party).
New York Times is a national newspaper. “The Gray Lady” is a good serious publication and has good credibility and authority.It sounds cliché.Is the $ 70,000 discount for the advertisement a mistake or a thoughtful arrangement? If it was a mistake, I have to say Ny Times is unprofessional at all. Big deal with big mistake is hardly impossible for large companies. In my opinion, I think “the discount” was set on purpose. The discount could be a real discount for George Soros, a billionaire in the Democratic Party, the mastermind of Moveon.org, and the enemy of George W. Bush. Ny times showed the political stand and met people’s anti-war ideas. “One stone two birds”. For the army, they did not want to fight at all. They have family. They want to spend time with their kids and live peaceful. For the majority of people, they also want to enjoy their lives. In a word, no war is perfect.
However, the questions come out. Who put the discount on the street? Who is the salesperson? Could one salesperson alone take care of the entire deal? All kinds of signs said it was a speculation. The timing was too perfect. The topic was too sensitive. The “secret” was too obviously. The fixed amount of payment was too  deliberately.For the commercial profit, Ny Times got the exclusive report. Instead of the risk, more and more people would like to buy the newspaper. More and more people would read the relative online news about this. The entire profit is over 70,000 dollars for sure.
In addition, any product (newspaper) has to make profits. No matter what the situation is, I believe the winner is the Ny Times. It chooses Democratic Party because it is more valuable. Also, it grabs people’s attention, and keeps creditability.

