
Duane "Dog" Chapman

Duane “Dog” Chapman is famous for his TV show called bounty hunting. He said something dirty when he was calling his son, Tucker, about the relationship with an African American girlfriend. The public launched a strongly diplomatic protest when this phone-calling recording was exposed.
I do not care if it is right or wrong. It happened already. How to turn this situation back is important and more interesting. A&E can suspension about Dog’s TV show for a while. During suspending period, A&E can make another schedule for him to make the positive image, such as hospital volunteer, educational presenter, armed forces caseworker and so on. In addition, an Africa American can join the team as Dog’s partner. A contract is needed for details. Otherwise, the public will say that the A&E uses money to make it look all right.
            Hiring a criminal is a big risk for sure.
But Western society is captivated about crime and justice. Super hero and dangerous offender is only a fine line between. Maybe A&E create a new Tv show for him and use “racial discrimination” as a watching spot. It makes further exploration of cultural fusion from conflicts.
What’s more, there is no such show in China. The impact to being a criminal is so heavy in China. So A&E should know different cultures very well to make the plan for him.
As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that he will back in TV industry because of it is profitable. People like to watch something exciting is unblamable. But the show needs to be legal.

