
That’s No Bomb Scare, It’s “Harmless” Publicity

If I am the public relations director of the Cartoon Network, I want to change the plan. The idea of the Bomb Scare is fresh. People pay attention on this immediately.  However, I think the publicity is too exaggerated. The publicity should not be scared. I will tell them it will disturb public order. It will waste labor power and material resources. For example, if an old man has a sudden heart attack, the emergency ambulance cannot pick him up because of the traffic jam. In addition, people will complain such thing too much meaningless complaint to the government. Then the government cannot go through the daily routine.

What’s more, it has bad effect on Long-term operation. For example, there is a famous story in China, called “the wolf is coming”. One guy used to lie to the other friends about the wolf comes the village. One day, the wolf comes to his house. He called out to get friends attention. However, all of his friends think he is lying. As last, he died. If it continues like this, the worst result is that the public no longer trusts this Cartoon Network.

As a director, I think publicity can be other way. I prefer to rehearsal some stuff like T-mobile in the airport. Organizing and thinking about future impact are very important. And don’t challenge the public’s limit. It will be out of control.

