
Blago’s Back-‘Em-into-the-Corner Speech

Illinois’s Governor Rod Blagojevich’s behavior has a strong impact on the society.

To buy a title is not new.

First reason is that the seller, Rod Blagojevich has too many rights. Also, the seat of the senate is too good. It is mutual benefit. Although the buyer spends a lot of money, he can have power to get profit in a long-term. It will lead unfair completions on different fields. Bull market means that buyers are much more than sellers. The price is increasing all the time. That’s why Rod Blagojevich is willing to risk danger in desperation. Second reason, the openness in government affairs is not enough. It is necessary to show the process if the public needs to reduce the argument. Third reason is that people have bad subjects on government employees. The employees are trying to do good things for the country, not only for themselves. Comparing with the personal interests, the country interests is divine and important. Forth reason, any laws have the leaks. It takes long time to improve. Destroy social orders has a continuing impact on the society. 

To sum up, no matter which position you have, following the legal rules are the bottom line. Keep the right thought sounds cliché. However, when people do that really well, it could be the most strength footstone of the peaceful society.                                                                                    

By the way, both of bull market and bear are bad.

