
Domino’s Pizza

The Domino’s pizza established a good sample for how to get along with the mass media after get the oral attack. Meanwhile, its solution to deal with the formal employees’ attack video is pretty awesome and intellective. It can be seen from several aspects. First of all, Domino’s pizza used one on one strategy to respond the customer’s concern. Compare to avoiding response or making a video to prove its innocent, the “one on one” strategy can let customer feel the respect because one on one reply can represent its sincere attitude. This solution will offset part of negative attitude from customers. Second, Domino’s pizza used some special methods in engaging the different media platforms which will improve its media power to convey positive part of its brand. For example, although the official account for Domino is not be set, the president of Domino’s pizza establish own twitter account to help customer feel more intimacy and more closer to the brand. The Domino pizza‘s account only looks official and formal. The third ways which used by Domino’s pizza is illustrate the bad effect of spreading rumors. The president mentioned that the formal employee who has published these unethical video were arrested means to alert the person who want to spread rumor will get legal sanction. The president use special and meaningful example to sound his alert. 
Although, the Domino’s pizza gets attack from the media power, they use media power to fight back. Clearly explanation and kind-customer’s measures can leave a good impression in customer’s mind. At the same time, do good in public relation crisis can most help in improving brand value and long-term influence.

