
Dov Charney

As I known, Dov Charney has good taste on clothing and has passion on fashion. His joker products show his great talent on the job field.

The founder’s personal behavior has effect on the brand image more or less. Charney is different than other successful businessmen. He is a far more nebulous talent. He is confident. Even through he has many lawsuits, his high media exposure raise awareness. Sexual issue is always the most popular topic.  On marketing strategy part, he made it. Gaining exposure and receiving, links, and buzz are crucial important. 

But there is a problem. If he (the founder himself) is a jerk, how to convince employees? The world's most successful action financial companies is called Warren  Buffett, the world's most passionate money call George Soros, the world's most profitable movie called Spielberg, the world's most attractive mobile phone called Steve Jobs. Thus it can be seen great leader brings business opportunity, recognition degree, and wealth.

In my opinion, PR team needs to remind Charney to be cautious about every detail. Dealing with consumer and employee is important. If Charney do it well, the  more products will be sold. One person cannot fluctuate the marketing. But marketing and public opinion can easily to fail someone. I understand every successful person has his unique character. It is good for a individual, and bad for a team, or a company. Profit and stable marketing strategy support it alive. Don’t challenge people’s base line. Don’t do funny business. It is difficult to recover bad brand image.  

The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA)

The public opinion will forgive the mistakes, but never let the lie off.

It shows that in the United States, the “authorities” has already realized that control the information means that taking charge of the public. The original owners of news and ideas are powerful, especially for the politics. For example, they can publish the news or hide it in alternative; they can publish some parts, hide the bad part; they can hide it until the time is ripe for the maximum profit. 

The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) as a part of the US government pays high attention to spirit controlling as controlling the military or intelligence services. It is wrong and unreasonable. Same as inviting the own employees instead of real journalists. It is unethical.

Actually, there is no absolute freedom of publishing the news. I remember New York Times posted a article about how the Bush government wrap up the TV news. It said that this kind of improper propaganda is the key of government to control the public opinion. As far as I am concerned,  there are three old tricks of US government. First, making up the news directly. Second, the government sets up the schedule for the mass media. For example, the government may change the people that out of control. And strengthen the contacts with journalists. So that they will not say something too bad for the government. Sometimes, the journalists accept bribery. Third, PR agency makes news for specific purpose. Forth, the government uses money to control the media companies.

Who will believe news if public relations people fake reporters? None of people.  A little white lie may work. But not always.


Dr. Sherlock

At first, racial discrimination is a serious problem. I hate all forms of it. His academic talent has nothing with his speech. An important role to judge a person’s behavior is good or not is that being focus on what happened (not the person himself). No matter he is the president or a person in poor, Dr. Sherlock is rude to say bad things about racial. No matter where he wants to express his great opinion, all the people will be shame on him. No matter the speech is prepared for a long time or mistake, it is bad to say something without thinking. But, his contribution on DNA is great. So I think he can still have the presentation. So the University of Chicago shows respect on him and rise the “stubborn” to another level.

One is matter of principle; the other one is the policy. Both of them are important. The public opinion is very important to control them. The policy is inflexible. It cannot be perfect. It always has some bugs that people can exploit an advantage. For example, the former Harvard president says that “male is better than female on science and math”. There is no law about this. But he has to take the blame and resign. The public opinion has immeasurable power.

As far as I am concerned, the freedom of speech is relative. There is no absolute freedom. Too free will has a bad effect on public security, even social instability. Looking for the appropriate line to define the freedom of speech is much more important than only engaging in idle theorizing. 

Sam Zell

The handbook is a part of a company’s culture. To be more specific, it is all about what the boss thinks about. The handbook’s goal is to make sure everyone should follow it willingly as a family. The reason is that following the handbook equates accept the company culture and boss’ s personal spirit.
In my opinion, this handbook is pretty good in a certain level. The lawyer team makes most of employee handbooks. It is hard to read it because of the boring format and terminology. However, Sam Zell makes it much more unbending, oral, and readable.
FUN is not a necessary atmosphere for the company. Zell’s does it. The handbook uses modal particles, and adjectives to make itself fresh. Also, it is a way to show Zell’s specialness.
Somehow, the unique handbook seems to be redefined. Obviously, 3,663 words are short. And it does not mention himself. What’s more, no lawyers join in writing it. For drugs and drinking parts, the handbook has some ambiguity. It is illegal, not negotiable.

Furthermore, all the roles are subjective. For example, once someone (only) follows the “core values”, Zell is willing to hire him. No matter how bad the person is, Zell will take the risk. Zell’s subjective world does not want others to understand and communicate. This is the way that he lives. On the other hand, it works. At least, he made it work. Nobody could copy others’ success. But successful person may make others better.

Domino’s Pizza

The Domino’s pizza established a good sample for how to get along with the mass media after get the oral attack. Meanwhile, its solution to deal with the formal employees’ attack video is pretty awesome and intellective. It can be seen from several aspects. First of all, Domino’s pizza used one on one strategy to respond the customer’s concern. Compare to avoiding response or making a video to prove its innocent, the “one on one” strategy can let customer feel the respect because one on one reply can represent its sincere attitude. This solution will offset part of negative attitude from customers. Second, Domino’s pizza used some special methods in engaging the different media platforms which will improve its media power to convey positive part of its brand. For example, although the official account for Domino is not be set, the president of Domino’s pizza establish own twitter account to help customer feel more intimacy and more closer to the brand. The Domino pizza‘s account only looks official and formal. The third ways which used by Domino’s pizza is illustrate the bad effect of spreading rumors. The president mentioned that the formal employee who has published these unethical video were arrested means to alert the person who want to spread rumor will get legal sanction. The president use special and meaningful example to sound his alert. 
Although, the Domino’s pizza gets attack from the media power, they use media power to fight back. Clearly explanation and kind-customer’s measures can leave a good impression in customer’s mind. At the same time, do good in public relation crisis can most help in improving brand value and long-term influence.


Sen.Craig got a tough case after his arrest. He wanted to make guilty plea to help him out of the trouble and reverse them over and over again. Unfortunately, his inconstant guilty plea causes his reputation becoming worse and worse. At the same time, he got a bad record in senate which may causes he would miss the future reelection. As the public relations advisor, there are three suggestions for Craig. The first one should be stop the constant reversing the guilty plea immediately. Always offering the different kinds of explanation for own actions just make people consider he was not a person who can admit what he has did. That dishonest impression will become worse in public and causes a lot of opportunities loss in future. The second one is pay attention to words using. Most words which Craig use is aggressive like:” I am not a gay and never have been.” These words are not like what a senator should say. I suggest that the tone should be official and be sincere. For an instance, “May be what I have did was wrong, but I still think there is something wrong with what I have done.” Craig should not be aggressive in public because that would let people just his attitude rather than the content. 
Furthermore, the content should be more public relations. After his arrestment, more complaint about the legal is meaningless and unhelpful. The only useful work is how to eliminate the negative effects. As an elector for senate, the most important thing is how to deal with the relationship with public. Once public negative impression can be eliminated, the period of arrestment is only a terrible recall and no harm to the future development. In contrast, trying to find fault with legal would just make people think about his scandal and his imagine can hardly be saved. Craig can totally do something good to society and divert public attention to some positive actions.