
Dov Charney

As I known, Dov Charney has good taste on clothing and has passion on fashion. His joker products show his great talent on the job field.

The founder’s personal behavior has effect on the brand image more or less. Charney is different than other successful businessmen. He is a far more nebulous talent. He is confident. Even through he has many lawsuits, his high media exposure raise awareness. Sexual issue is always the most popular topic.  On marketing strategy part, he made it. Gaining exposure and receiving, links, and buzz are crucial important. 

But there is a problem. If he (the founder himself) is a jerk, how to convince employees? The world's most successful action financial companies is called Warren  Buffett, the world's most passionate money call George Soros, the world's most profitable movie called Spielberg, the world's most attractive mobile phone called Steve Jobs. Thus it can be seen great leader brings business opportunity, recognition degree, and wealth.

In my opinion, PR team needs to remind Charney to be cautious about every detail. Dealing with consumer and employee is important. If Charney do it well, the  more products will be sold. One person cannot fluctuate the marketing. But marketing and public opinion can easily to fail someone. I understand every successful person has his unique character. It is good for a individual, and bad for a team, or a company. Profit and stable marketing strategy support it alive. Don’t challenge people’s base line. Don’t do funny business. It is difficult to recover bad brand image.  

