
Steve Jobs cut the iPhone price

“A communicator must get feedback from a receiver to know what messages are or are not getting through and how to structure future communications”. 
I have to say Steve Jobs is a genius. His iPology is the best example for Public Relations.
At the beginning, iPhone’s price is expensive. There are still few customers purchase it. It means that iPhone is good enough. Those unpurchased customers are two major groups. One is the group that cannot afford it but want to badly. The other is still waiting for the new iPhone to make sure the technology is good enough. It was a way to communicate with the customers. At that time, the iPhone was the bomb. It had good shape, good screen, and unique operating system. Based on the psychology, the more people expect, the more they want. Let alone the lower price one. Cutting the price is the result after good communication on marketing. Why $200? I think it can hit the peak of market. Although, those “quick” buyers were mad. Then it may cause a certain level of negative effect. But it is the trend that the older product costs less after new one comes not.
“A regular goal of public relations is aggressive communication to persuade people to take certain actions”. Steve Jobs can get many feedbacks.

Additionally, at this time, Apple actually apologized for those who purchased the pone at the earlier price, but admit the trend that Steve Jobs suggested. Apple’s letter balanced both of the market and the customer.

