
What I’ve learned

1. The differences between McDonalds in China and in the United States. In China, the children wing is so delicious and the drinks are similar as much as the Starbucks. The news is not always right. The timing for everything is really important. Updating the previous information is great as well.

2. It is called confidence. Showing personal idea is not shame at all. In China, if student interrupts the presentation, the professors will be so mad. In here, professors like to talk with students in class. I believe the professors are not only introducers, but also the friends to the students.

3. Talking the “gossip” in so many ways. When I say gossip, it means one big event with different opinions from different fields. The key goal of this course is that to show opinions about something. So, there are no right or wrong answers. Ken always uses his body languages and funny voice to explain every detail very well.

That’s the Way the Online Cookie Grumbles

I think the parents should not build up a website for her to sell the cookies. The exactitude leading is very important for the child. Making money in such young age is good enough. The parents are proud of her and encourage her to be better. The girl’s original intention is to help other friends. However, online sale can be a potential hazard for young girl. Children are naïve. Strangers can be dangerous. They may ask the girl about the address, parents’ schedule, credit card number, and so on.Actually, based on the Wild’s view, she should be allowed to make and sell “homemade” cookies.
Furthermore, the cookies are not certified. So the materials could not be guaranteed. It is illegal in USA. Additionally, the girl has to take responsibility for selling cookies. Once she gets the license, it is totally fine for everyone.
I think that if the social media join in this “conversation”, they will say bad things ahead. So that the girl and her family can know a lot of things about legal selling.

That’s No Bomb Scare, It’s “Harmless” Publicity

If I am the public relations director of the Cartoon Network, I want to change the plan. The idea of the Bomb Scare is fresh. People pay attention on this immediately.  However, I think the publicity is too exaggerated. The publicity should not be scared. I will tell them it will disturb public order. It will waste labor power and material resources. For example, if an old man has a sudden heart attack, the emergency ambulance cannot pick him up because of the traffic jam. In addition, people will complain such thing too much meaningless complaint to the government. Then the government cannot go through the daily routine.

What’s more, it has bad effect on Long-term operation. For example, there is a famous story in China, called “the wolf is coming”. One guy used to lie to the other friends about the wolf comes the village. One day, the wolf comes to his house. He called out to get friends attention. However, all of his friends think he is lying. As last, he died. If it continues like this, the worst result is that the public no longer trusts this Cartoon Network.

As a director, I think publicity can be other way. I prefer to rehearsal some stuff like T-mobile in the airport. Organizing and thinking about future impact are very important. And don’t challenge the public’s limit. It will be out of control.

Blago’s Back-‘Em-into-the-Corner Speech

Illinois’s Governor Rod Blagojevich’s behavior has a strong impact on the society.

To buy a title is not new.

First reason is that the seller, Rod Blagojevich has too many rights. Also, the seat of the senate is too good. It is mutual benefit. Although the buyer spends a lot of money, he can have power to get profit in a long-term. It will lead unfair completions on different fields. Bull market means that buyers are much more than sellers. The price is increasing all the time. That’s why Rod Blagojevich is willing to risk danger in desperation. Second reason, the openness in government affairs is not enough. It is necessary to show the process if the public needs to reduce the argument. Third reason is that people have bad subjects on government employees. The employees are trying to do good things for the country, not only for themselves. Comparing with the personal interests, the country interests is divine and important. Forth reason, any laws have the leaks. It takes long time to improve. Destroy social orders has a continuing impact on the society. 

To sum up, no matter which position you have, following the legal rules are the bottom line. Keep the right thought sounds cliché. However, when people do that really well, it could be the most strength footstone of the peaceful society.                                                                                    

By the way, both of bull market and bear are bad.

Porter Novell and Weingarten

Public Relations is that describing what is going on about something. It contains basic website coding, pitch the media, developing the relationships and so on. Public Relation writing is new for me. Before, the PR writing is the same as business writing. They are just same thing on the different fields. But now, in my opinion, Public Relations is actually a writing major.

Does PR writing have to deal with the business stuff? Yes, it is. Differences with business writing, PR writing needs to build up relationships for companies all the time. “ There is no friends on the PR industry”. Impertinent words and ways have bad effects on not only the case itself.

I am on the Porter Novell side. Public Relations lets people return the essence. Don’t try to please the public with claptrap.  “Rationale, focus, facts, no puffery, nourishing quotes, limit jargon and so on” are the news release essentials. Based on the facts to tell the truth is the best way to be a good communicating bridge.


The Myanmar’s behavior is totally wrong. With the sustained economic growth, more and more communication among nations. As an old saying: when disaster struck, help came from all sides.

No matter what the problem is for the relationships between countries, people’s lives are the most important all the time. Myanmar government lacks of the fundamental virtue and the magnanimous. It looks similar as China (before 1949). To seclude the country from the outside world is a good way to fall behind. The disadvantage of isolation is obvious. Myanmar is not strong enough to face the disaster. The public opinion thinks Myanmar wastes time and has no principle of humanitarianism.

Right now, operating around the globe is the trend. It is not only for bad things. When the good thing happens, such as Olympics, how to manage public relations plays an important role. Dealing with different cultures is the key for business. For example, when the PR people give the business cards to the Chinese company, they cannot directly “throw” it to the table. It shows the American way for the business: quick. However, in China, that is so rude. The best way to show respect on someone is give the business card with both hands and smile when you give it to him. It should be slowly and quite, even making a bow.
What’s more, the Olympics contains many countries to join in. So it is necessary to deal with the China’s public relations about the earthquake. To give some supplies and send volunteers are good ways.

Everyone wishes the world becomes peaceful forever. So if one country can ignore the political bias, it shows the world it is a smart, generous, humanistic country.